Monday, March 1, 2010

3-01-2010 Letter Home

First, for some photos from a few weeks ago:


Hey everybody!

Transfers! Oh man, craziness! So, Elder Matias and I were in Maranguape for Transfer Night, staying at Elder Nunes' and Elder Trage's house, when we got the phone call and discovered that, first of all Elder Matias was leaving! He's heading to Jose Walter, an area about twenty minutes away in a different district. He will be companions with Elder Elmer, an American who just finished up his first transfer! Woah, deja vu! I guess Elder Matias is getting a lot of training in being companions with new Americans. Elder Elmer seemed pretty
cool, kind of quiet, when I met him. 

The second bit of information is that I will be staying here in Maracanau 2!! My new companion is Elder Peres, who has a year and six months on the mission, and guess what, he's from the Rio Grande do Sul!  
No way, Connor, you got a Cearense last transfer and this transfer I have a Gaucho! Legal de mais. He is way cool, so far, I am just super excited to have a companion like him, and we are going to work super hard this transfer. He's funny, though, he's kind of picky about food. He won't drink any kind of soda and won't eat any grains or breads of any kind, and he likes to buy tons of fruit and eats just a big pile of fruit every morning, hehe. He's way cool.

"A final picture of Elder Matias and I."

Other news... Elder Trage and Elder Nunes are staying together. Elder S. Costa left our area, along with Elder Gallagher, and Elder Melo. Elder Coelho is training again, an American, Elder King, fresh from the CTM, I think he's pretty cool but I've met him only once. He's going through first field experience shock, just, you know, lost in the language and feeling uncomfortable with the cultural differences, just like me, but I'll try to be as best of a friend I can be to help him through it all. 

Along with Elder Peres, two other Elders are going to be joining us this transfer at our house, to help with the area. Now we only have a ward and a branch to look over, and they will be working exclusively in an area we didn't work in too much. The aforementioned Elders are Elder Bernal, who arrived here with Elder Gallagher and Elder Hlavaty and Elder Matias and Elder Carvalho (seems like I am always in acquaintance with that group), he's Japanese-Hawaiian and spent four years training to be a UFC fighter, spent a year working for SWAT, really really cool guy. He brought a big punching bag with him that he works out with every morning. His companion is Elder Tonalatti (spelling maybe wrong), who is from Sao Paulo and has the same time on the mission as me, I met him in the CTM, seems pretty cool.

 "Pictures of my district, minus Elder Trage and Elder Nunes"

So, this transfer we are going to be working almost entirely in a part of the city called Alto Mangueira (High Mango Tree), which is kind of off in the corner. We have heard that if the ward is going to divide, its going to divide there, and so we might as well start building up the membership in the area. It should be fun. We have a goal of baptizing 20 people this transfer and Elder Peres and I are going to work as hard as possible to make it happen, keeping all the rules and just working as fast and hard and spiritual as we can. I have a great feeling about it all.

Oh, other crazy news... Elder Foust is TRAINING a new Brazilian that just arrived!! Elder Ingersoll is training as well in Zona Juazeiro, where he's still at! What the freak! So awesome for them!
These Elders were in my group in the CTM and doing great. Elder McDonald and Elder Stocking just became Senior Companions, too! Crazy, huh, Connor? Elder McDonald told me that President Batt has called our group looks like its going to be "the best group of Americans that this mission  has ever had". !!! We have a big responsibility to keep his trust in us. Imagine, yo, this means I could be moving up next transfer, the one after that... I've got to get my act together and learn as much as I can to get ready for that. Ugh, so awesome, so excited.

Hey Lynsey! Sorry to hear you are sick. 

Dude, I cannot believe I am going to be twenty. Four hands!! I do not feel ready for the mantle of adulthood. There is really no excuse now, I soon will not be a teenager in any respect. 
SATs and AP Tests?! Oh man, so fun! I remember those... good times. ;) You know what's best, Lynsey. Remember that starting study time a few weeks before the tests is the best way to do well. Grab my SAT Prep books and do some practice tests, okay?
Don't get too bummed about your future, just do the best you can and enjoy the results, whatever they are, when they come. Dude, Lynsey, have you ever thought that you and I could work together in the future? Not completely with each other but in the film industry? Nick is studying and interested in film, too, so... man, just imagine how cool it would be to work together and study together and work on the same projects it would be so awesome and fun! Hehe. I love you so much, my sister. Remember to keep your spiritual side alive and read those scripturess a little every day, that'll help you out a lot to deal with stress and personal problems. Till next week yo! And no... YOU'RE THE BEST!!

Hey Mom! Yeah, no worries on the videos. I do want to send videos though, to you guys, every week, and I hope it won't be too much trouble to slap them on YouTube and pass them along to Connor. Whenever you have time guys, don't be stressed out about it. 

see the new video here: Elder Brendon 03-01-2010

And when you do make videos, sometimes its just best to talk to the camera completely naturally, and then put it up on YouTube an send me the link. You don't need to be making videos too complicated every time you do, complete with music and photos and special effects, though I do like that all. 
I've heard about William Tyndale before! The book probably goes into a crazy amount of detail, but I know the basics. I think there was a lot of inspired men of God before Joseph Smith that helped prepare for the Restoration, more than we think. I mean, the Three Nephites and John the Beloved were still ministering for more than a thousand years among men, just in a different way than we do now. And the Light of Christ was still on the Earth, wasn't it? The Great Apostasy is a very interesting topic, I think. Thanks for the quotes from President Watkins, those were very special. I love you so much!

Hey Dad, thank you so much for the great pictures you sent. Hah! So crazy that was 20 years ago! You look so much like you! In 20 years will I look pretty identical how I look now? Hehe, cool. Thank you very much for your kind thoughts, they definitely helped me look a little more introspectively into how I am doing things. I love you very much and I pray for you as well.

Urgh, you guys are so awesome, six months away from all of you guys is too long, and yet I have three more six-month periods to go! Thanks for all of your encouragement, you are such a huge example for me, Dad, you really are.

Until next week, everybody! I love all of you guys, so much!
- Elder B

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