Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2-23-2010 Letter Home

Hellloooooo Vietnam!!!!!!!

I am rewriting an awesome e-mail that I wrote last night. Oh my gosh, it was ridiculous! First of all, we had interviews with President Batt so we took a bus to the center of Fortaleza and once we were there, we decided to go to lunch there, get ice-cream, hang out with other missionaries, just make it our P-Day in the center of the city. I had my interview with President Batt and it was awesome… best interview we’ve had so far, and I think its going to change my mission a lot, for the better. Talked about obeying the rules, being happy on the mission, dealing with companions and working on some of my problems with getting frustrated or angry about things. President Batt is awesome, definitely inspired, and the next eighteen months are going to be so much better than the last six because of the things I realized I needed to do, who I needed to become.

Man, so what happened this week? This transfer has just flown by. First of all, we had Carnaval this week. Its like the Brazilian version of Mardi Gras but it lasts four days… at least formally. Here in Ceara people like to continue the festivities for a full week and a half. Hah. So what is Carnaval? Well, I didn’t see too much of it because we were returning to our house more early every night to avoid the craziness of it all. We saw a lot of people walking by covered in flour, and a lot of cars pass by covered in flour. That’s part of the tradition, to throw flour on strangers, haha. On the main street of Maracanau the city government built a huge stage, like for a concert, and a huge dance floor. Every night of Carnaval we heard this crazy Latin music playing loudly, and I’m told that everyone has this big mosh pit and dresses up in costumes, that there is a lot of alcohol and… worse things going on. Be careful looking up examples for Carnaval on YouTube or Google, it can get pretty risqué, just from what I’ve seen in tiny bits from television.

Because of Carnaval, there were a lot of people vacationing or busy with family from out of town. It’s like the longest period of time during the year that people have work off or so I’ve heard, and so everyone wants to make use of the opportunity. In other words, it was kind of a repeat of this last Christmas, with lots of upsets in our schedule. But we taught a few good lessons during the week. 

We just taught the Word of Wisdom to our Big Awesome Family this last Saturday, and invited everyone to abstain from drinking coffee, and one of the women to stop smoking. Its going to be tough for her but there was a good spirit and I have a feeling they are going to join the Church, sooner or later. Every lesson I know they are feeling the Spirit and they agree with what we are teaching, but their problem is that they are so busy. They need to come to church and read the pages we marked for them in the Book of Mormon, so that they can start creating their own spiritual experiences instead of relying on us. I think that’s a difficulty we run into a lot. 

The religions and different churches down here in Brazil, at least in the Northwest, aren’t exactly like those in the United States. You go to church basically any time you have free during the week, there is always a pastor or some kind of clergy there, you receive instruction or have a big spiritual activity like group prayer with others there, and then you pay your offering and leave. The idea of following commandments and receiving blessings and the Spirit from your own actions isn’t the norm here at all, and it’s hard to get passed that. I think in the United States, the Latter-Day Saint Church and even other Protestant churches have down a good job making it known that Religion Should Be A Lifestyle… when you join a religion, you become an adherent, a believer, you are expected to do things differently. Here, many times going to church is like going to buy something, you go in at your discretion, you “feel something”, and then you leave and continue with your life as normal. It’s not a good thing, religion should be and can be something so much more. But it does mean that Latter-Day Saints here definitely recognize the difference between the Church and other religions.

Connor! Hey... you think Dad should buy some meteorite impact insurance?... Yeah, that one was easy, hah. Freak man where did you get the pancake mix? Did you buy it or make it from scratch? And syrup too? That’s like liquid gold here, well, to me and other Americans at least. Cool house tour.  I will send you a Portuguese video when I have more time to make one, this last P-Day was pretty busy. But the one you made was great, good job man. Dude, we have a secret language that only we can understand. That is going to be so fun to use when we get back. I mean, really, all our lives people have asked us if we can read each others thoughts, and now we really will be able to communicate with each other without anyone knowing what we are saying. That's going to be fun.
Yeah, about companions... both of my companions have had less than a year out on the mission and both have fought here and there with me, but we always ended the transfer as friends. I think its been harder, but I have learned a bit from the experiences I've had. I don't want to pretend like I know everything about the issue, but it seems like the best way to get along with your companion is to just stop the conversation immediately when you think it could lead to contention. Just stop talking, or change the subject, or say that you don't want to talk about whatever might lead to an argument. You and I are very comfortable talking with people openly and about anything we might be thinking about, because we are used to each other. But other people are much different, I think, and I've found that when I've shared things that I think are really awesome, or motivating, or interesting, the companion is just not on the same wavelength, or will take the conversation to a place you don't like and you'll fight about it. Keep all the ideas and opinions that you have, but don't fight for them, don't feel like they must be proven. I think if you can just realize that all and any contention is negative and of the devil, your companionship will be a lot better. At least, that's the conclusion I've come to.

Hey Grandpa and Judith! I was thinking of you guys recently, I have a picture here of that last visit we had in Arizona and it just brought me back to your house for a little bit. Thank you for your kind words and support, we love you guys dearly. Yeah, we have been quite a bit out of contact with what's going on up north, hah. The mission is a crazy, wonderful experience and I definitely I'm glad that I'm here. I am very blessed to have this opportunity to serve and help bring people to the Gospel, its a wonderful feeling.

Hey Lacey! Yep, I did get your card. I thought I mentioned it before in another letter but, yeah, thanks so much! I loved the pictures. It does take a while for mail to get here so I  hope you weren't too worried about me not getting it at all. We love you guys!!! Remember when we played basketball in our backyard in Arizona? I still remember playing Around the World with ya, good memories, hehe.

Hey Grandma, thanks for the news! I have not gotten a package from Kelly yet! That kind of worries me... I wonder where they are. Usually they can track international packages, maybe ask Kelly if there is a way she can check to see if it got stuck in customs. Yeah, the houses in a Colonia are interesting... all red brick and red shingled roofs with cement outer walls. I do think in Portuguese quite a bit, actually, when I am speaking it. I've also dreamed in Portuguese which is very weird. Learning a language is very strange... just indescribable. I still have Vitamin C left, thanks Grandma. I love you.

Hey Mom. Happy Birthday! Argh, I wrote you such a big section of my e-mail last time and I'm so mad I lost it. Hey, do you think you could put those photos in that video up on my Facebook? I have friends here that can take them off my Facebook profile and print them up for me. That video was so awesome, thanks abunch! I want that song, hah, I remember listening to it with Nick when we were driving around in the summer heat when he visited, that was awesome. The "stove iron", hah, yeah it actually left black marks on my shirt this morning! It has never done that before. We need to buy a new one. Hehehe, "Rock on Carpenter Clan!" Mom you are funny. But who is Adrian? Am I forgetting a movie quote? Hope you are still feeling loved even though your birthday wasn't crazygood... You rock Mom!

Hey Aunt Jody and Uncle Ron! Thanks for your message! Don't worry about not writing us for however much time, we know you guys love us and there are others that I am still waiting to get letters from. I always sucked at sending letters to missionaries I've known, so, no big I totally understand how time gets away. Thanks for the compliments, heh, and for your prayers too. I love you guys!

Lynsey, Lynsey, got your video. It was funny and awesome! Thanks so much for putting it together. Shoot, I typed up a big paragraph of advice you could use but I think I'm just going to sum it up a bit more here, sorry. I never really figured out dating and keeping up responsibilities and school-life myself, but it seems like the key is to know how to use and balance Relaxing and Working. It's not as simple as a question between Free Time and Work Time... you need to learn how to relax in your relationships and in your work, in your learning and seizing the day and opportunities and all that.  After high school you can start dating more seriously but at this point, just date to get to know guys you are attracted to, smooch a bit, and build friendships. Ask Mom and Dad if they agree with us, after all, I never proved this theory, I just came up with it all in my head last night. I think you are going to get a lot of chances to chat with Brazilians on Facebook, the members here really like to connect with the families of missionaries because they think Americans (and especially Americanas) are really cool.

I love you Dad and Kaitlin, and I'm thinking about you guys! I'm sorry I didn't write you as much. I am rooting for both of you and praying for you and I loved seeing pictures of you guys today. Send me a little video if you've got some time in the next few weeks if you can, it doesn't need to be huge.

Well... on the 26th I will have completed six months on the mission, approximately 25%, and that is saying something. Transfers are coming up and who knows where I will be and with what companion as of the next time I log-on to send e-mails.

Love love love!
- Elder Brendon Carpenter

p.s. I sent raw AVI video files to your email, so check it, rip it, place it on YouTube, when you got time. I hope it works, it should at least.
see my videos here:



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