Monday, March 8, 2010

3-08-2010 Letter Home

Vishe Maria! Nao muito tempo nao! (**sorry no translation available on that one)

 Well well well, another Monday to send you guys some news!

Argh! Dude, I hate LANhouses, I hate LANhouses so badly. This one isn't letting me upload things from my camera to email.  This is ridiculous. After all the time I spent today shooting photos and making videos. And did I mention that last P-Day I had ten minutes of video that were lost? I am trying so hard every P-Day to send videos and other stuff to you guys and just every single time it doesn't work. I'm so frustrated right now, its not a good mood to be in when you are e-mailing your family. Relax relax relax.... whoooohhh... 

I am super tired because we climbed the mountains (serras) nearby today, the whole district, from 8:00 to 4:00, climbing and returning. It was so beautiful on the top of the mountain, seeing all of Ceara from the jungles of the Serras to the coastline of Fortaleza, and the wind was so refreshing and everything... it was just such a fun P-Day. Reminded me of all the fun nature hikes and trips we would take, you know? It was so beautiful... I have video and photos of it all so you'll get it next week, I guess. Who knows, maybe there is still enough time to zip by to another LANhouse... probably not.

Fortunately I was able to read all your messages and watch all of your videos before I checked to see if I could make uploads, and that was really great. Thank you guys so much! I did not actually get Dad's video or Connor's second video, so send those over. 

What was this week like? Man, I have worked harder than I have this last week than any other week in Maracanau. Elder Peres and I are on fire, here! Really, we are just making use of every single hour, scheduling tons of appointments, making contacts, it feels great and busy and exhausting and rewarding... I'm growing a lot more spiritually... Elder Peres and I are just really on the same wavelength, we want to work hard, treat each other well, and follow all the rules. He's helping me a lot, he has one year and six months on the mission, which means he's the most experienced missionary I've had so far. He teaches lessons very well and it feels like I almost have to forget how I've done everything before and re-learn it. The Lord is blessing me a lot, he is blessing us a lot. We have ran into just some awesome, excited, elect people here, just walking by some times and they come and talk to us. It really goes to show ya that when you are doing what the Lord has asked of you, and when you put in as much effort as you can, he will pour out so many blessings on you, I feel great.

I wanted to share some pictures of our awesome hike with you all tonight but I guess it is going to have to wait, my week was just what I explained. Finding a lot of new people, teaching a lot of people, getting a lot of sun and always relishing that banana smoothie after a long hard day's work.

Mom, thanks for that letter about the Chile earthquake! Felt the Spirit a lot on that one. Wow, that is so amazing, how the Mission President knew beforehand that he needed to prepare the mission for an earthquake. Wow. Thanks for the video, I wish I could respond in more detail! It was really good! and, let's see, news about the last week was very reassuring, I was very pleased to hear all of that.

Dad, I didn't get your video but that news about the business is very exciting! You're there, it's about to happen! We just need to keep faithful and keep working hard, doing our part and we will be blessed by the Lord. I love you so much, Dad, thank you for everything you do!

Lynsey, I love you so much, and Kaitlin, thank you for your awesome, awesome beautiful video! I liked it so much! I watched your video in Brazil, can you believe that? You are great at making videos, I'd like to watch some more of you! Hehehe, I love you girl, have a great week!

Hey Bro! I'll talk to you more next week dude, watched the first part of your video last week, was great, hope you are liking the new area and new companion. Yeah, don't be stressed about the whole thing about some Elders of my group training and being Seniors and all... I feel like I am exactly where the Lord wants me, I'm doing what I can, and hey, we are going to get our chance in a few months. Right now I have the impression that I need to learn right now how to be a Senior Companion, or how to train, in order to get ready, even if its months and months ahead. I feel really good with that point of view. I love you man! Tchau!

Until next week!
Elder Brendon Carpenter

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