Tuesday, September 29, 2009

09-29-2009 Letter Home

Hello family and friends!
I'm really blanking on what scripture to use for my missionary plaque. Whats that verse that says something like “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” I like that one. I'm sorry guys. I'll work hard on that this week... but if it's time sensitive, just put that verse up on my plaque.
Mom, Dad, definitely read "Preach My Gospel". Congratulations on finishing OLDM (O Livro De Mórmon)! "Preach My Gospel" should take you no time at all and its worth reading. Remember, we can all be missionaries and we can all be blessed for our missionary efforts. In fact, preaching the gospel during your everyday life is a duty and responsibility of every member. Try to get into a discussion about the Gospel with a non-member every month. When you´ve done it once or twice, start making it a weekly goal to share the gospel with at least one person. Make it conversational...  ask questions and get to know the person you are sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with. If you can, ask them if they will attend Church, accept a Book of Mórmon from you later, or merely commit to another conversation at a later date about the Gospel. I know that everyone of us can share the Gospel with someone at least once a month. Look for the opportunities to “open your mouth”, and if the Spirit doesn't prompt you, don't worry! Go and start talking about the Gospel anyway and the Spirit will come. All you need to do is begin such a conversation, and the Spirit will be there immediately to guide you through the rest of the experience. It will bring a sense of charity to your life that will be quite a blessing. I know that if you pray for those opportunities every night, such an opportunity will come. Heavenly Father will begin to prepare a way for somebody to come into your life in order to be given the great gift of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much for your love! I sent a big long letter via MissionTies today containing my experiences for the week. I hope you like it.
Interesting about Iran having nuclear weapons and Obama wanting to send in troops. I made a big deal about it on my floor and everyone was getting riled up. Everyone made me repeat the information I had been given a few times over. Crazy stuff.
I am not very sick any more. This whole last week my voice was kind of gone, very hoarse... sore throat and all. It's that vírus that keeps on circulating throughout the CTM. Almost everybody gets it and many people had it much worse than I. I'm doing well now.
Dad, I love you so much. Keep up the hard work. You are a huge role model to me. A lot of what you are going through sounds very tough but Connor and I are praying for you. Awesome work, Mom, on the Relief Society stuff. Man, you've been getting a lot of assignments recently! I love you! Kaitlin, I'm so glad you are having a good time at school. Keep it up sister! Halloween is going to be so fun. Lynsey, you are awesome. Art, huh? You'll have to send me some photos, that'd be sweet. You are so talented.
I love you all! And now I need to spend the rest of my time sending pictures.

Your son, brother, and friend,

Elder B. Carpenter

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